Kaspa Developers Meeting July 2023

A developers meeting was held to shed light on the exciting advancements of Kaspa.

DEV Talks

Starting with the Rust contributors’ achievements before launch, as discussed by Michael, it’s essential to understand the role of the Rust rewrite. Known for its speed and reliability, Rust is a programming language that has become integral to the Kaspa platform. The Rust developers have put in a substantial amount of effort to ensure the platform is robust and efficient, a task that is no small feat given the challenges that come with rewriting such a sophisticated platform.

Shai provided insights into the future utilization of Testnet 11. Testnets are sandboxed environments; consider them practice fields where developers can experiment and test new features. These environments are critical as they allow for extensive testing without risking the stability of a live network, such as the mainnet. The future use of Testnet 11 will thus be instrumental in ensuring the reliability and functionality of upcoming features.

A key point on the agenda was mempool refactoring, highlighted by George. The mempool is a transaction waiting room, housing transactions pending confirmation and addition to the blockchain. The planned refactoring of this section, in essence, a modification and enhancement of the code, will make this part of the network much more efficient.

The issue of ‘pruning starvation’ was also tackled in this meeting, with Michael leading the discussion. To provide some context, ‘pruning’ is a term used in computing to describe the process of eliminating unnecessary or redundant data. This activity is particularly crucial in a DAG network like Kaspa, where the maintenance of network efficiency is paramount. However, ‘starvation’ in this context refers to a scenario where the pruning process is perpetually deprived of the resources it needs to carry out its function, thus leaving it unable to operate as efficiently as desired.

Anton’s focus on the integration framework also made a significant part of the conversation. This framework, a set of tools and guidelines, is being developed to ensure that different parts of the system coalesce seamlessly. The aim here is to create an ecosystem where all components work harmoniously, boosting the platform’s overall performance and usability.

The topic of testnet11 KGI was broached by George, pointing out the planned enhancements to the Kaspa Graph Inspector (KGI). Currently built with the Go programming language, the KGI consists of four parts — a database, a processing layer, an API (which enables other software to interact with it), and a web app. The devs plan to rewrite or modify these parts, with some segments being rewritten in Rust for compatibility.

Michael added to the discussion about the proposed improvements to the network’s peer-to-peer (P2P) layer. This layer is central to how users in the network connect and share information. Modifications are being considered to streamline user connections, ultimately leading to a smoother-running network.

There was also an essential appeal for increased community engagement in this meeting. The community recognizes the vital role that both developers and non-developers play in propelling Kaspa’s mission forward. In the coming weeks, they expect to need more help from skilled testers as they’re building a wallet application based on the framework they’ve developed. Once completed, they would welcome the community’s support in testing it thoroughly to ensure its optimal performance.


Calling All Devs

But the developer’s appeal extends beyond testing. They’re calling on the community to help spread the word about this remarkable project. If you know developers, coders, or anyone with a knack for technical pursuits, encourage them to join the Kaspa community. Even if they aren’t interested in cryptocurrency per se, the intricacy, marvel of engineering, and innovative spirit of Kaspa’s engineering should capture their interest.

By their own admission, the developer’s work is ‘extremely exciting.’ They are developing applications that can operate natively on computers and mobile phones, using groundbreaking technology that reduces the need for multiple applications. This is next-gen tech, and they’re inviting all capable hands on deck.

Kaspa profoundly values the community’s participation, especially in running the testnet and providing crucial feedback. The devs expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the community’s invaluable contribution. Pleasantly surprised by the turnout at the technical meeting, they are constantly impressed by the community’s enthusiasm, support, and dedication.

Kaspa is extending a warm invitation to anyone interested in contributing to their cause, be it developers, testers, or crypto enthusiasts. As they continue to innovate and solve ‘bleeding edge’ technical challenges and welcome fresh perspectives and skills into their ranks. If you’re captivated by cutting-edge technology and want to be a part of a rapidly evolving project, Kaspa could be your next adventure. Join them and make a difference in this exciting engineering journey!

Tip: Kaspa, a leading Layer-1 proof-of-work platform, is now transitioning to Rust. This move leverages Rust’s superior efficiency to amplify Kaspa’s speed and security, providing an exciting development opportunity for passionate Rust coders to contribute to the future of blockchain technology.

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